The Master is someone who is an expert in his field. Do you believe that you are the master of your mind? I know more than 90% of people will be in confusion and their answer will be no. Subconscious Mind Programming The most powerful thing on this earth is the mind, and it is a bitter truth that most people do not even know about their mind, how it works, and how program your mind and reprogram it. So, how can you be the master of that which you don’t even know about?
By mastering a simple understanding of how your mind works, you can become your own therapist, your own personal advisor. You can go beyond therapy to change any emotion, feeling, or behavior for yourself in a matter of moments. You will start producing more results. you can master your mind by subconscious mind programming so that you can use your mind to produce more desirable results. You just to know what is Subconscious Mind Programming? and how you can program your Subconscious Mind.
What is Subconscious Mind Programming?
Whatever experience you do in your daily routine, gets recorded in your mind and later it becomes your memory and the work you do in repetition becomes a program. The way you learn any art, you practice it again and again so that you can become a master in that art. Basically what you practice over and over again it’s a way to program the Subconscious Mind. Similarly knowingly or unknowingly many wrong programs get saved in your subconscious mind. Due to this many problems have to be faced in life and this is the reason for many mental diseases like anxiety and depression.
The programs lying in your mind are nothing but your internal representation of how you saved your experience. if you change your internal representation from negative to positive then you start producing more effective results.
Internal Representation
We structure our internal representation through our five senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. In other words, we experience the world as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, taste, or olfactory sensations. So whatever experiences we have stored in the mind, are mainly represented through these senses in three major modalities – visual, auditory, or kinetic messages.
In simple language, whatever memory or program is saved in your mind, there will be 3 qualities associated with it. There will be an image, sound, or feeling associated with that memory. It will never happen that there is a memory saved in your mind it does not have any of these major qualities. Those major qualities are called Modalities. These modalities are a broad set of ways of our internal representation.
Modalities and Submodalities
The major qualities that build a memory or program of human experiences with the help of the 5 senses are known as Modalities. Like visuals, sound, feelings, taste, and smell. We need sharp tools to get to what’s going on in the mind. This is where Submodalities come in.
Submodalities are like the exact amount of ingredients needed to create a result. They are the smallest and most precise building blocks that form the structure of human experience. To be able to understand and thus control a visual experience, we need to know more about it. We need to know whether it is bright or dark, in black and white or color, dynamic or static. In the same way, we want to know whether auditory communication is loud or quiet, near or far, resonant or sharp. We would like to know whether the kinesthetic experience is soft or hard, fast or smooth, flexible or hard.
When you know exactly what is going on in the mind, you can change it properly and it will help you to reprogram the save program in the subconscious mind.
Some Possible Submodalities of Internal Representation
Visual: Movie or still frames, panorama or framed, color or black and white, brightness, size of pictures, size of central objects, self in or out of the picture, a distance of pictures from self, a distance of central objects from the self, 3D quality, intensity of color, degree of contrast, movement, focus(intermittent or steady focus), angle viewed from, number of pictures, location, or other.
Auditory: Volume, cadence(interruptions, groupings), rhythm, inflections, Tempo, pauses, tonality, uniqueness of sound, sound move around, location, or other.
Kinesthetic: Temperature, texture, vibration, pressure, movement, duration, intensity, weight, density, location, or other. For pain: Tingling, Hot or cold, muscle tension, sharp or dull, pressure, duration, location, or other.
Just as a film director can change the impact of his film, you can also change the impact of your life experiences. A director can change the angle of the camera, the amount and type of music, the tempo and amount of motion, color, and quality of the image, and thus can create any state he wishes in his audience. You can likewise direct your mind to generate any situation or behavior that supports your highest goals or needs. You just need to change in Submodalities. This is what reprogramming of the subconscious mind says.
How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind?
When a person wants to change something he usually wants to change one or both two things: how he feels and how he behaves. There are two ways to change people’s feelings and behaviors. Either to change their physiology which will change how they feel or change their internal representation which will change their behaviors. Physiology can be changed by changing the shoulder and breathing.
If you adopt a vital, dynamic, stimulating physiology, you automatically adopt that type of state. The biggest advantage we have in any case is physiology because it works so fast, and it works without fail. Physiology and internal representation are completely linked. If you change one, you immediately change the other. If you change your physiology, that is your posture, the way you breathe, your muscle tension, and your tonality, you immediately change your internal representation and your position.
Ways to Reprogramming of Subconscious Mind:
Disassociation with the Experience
Another important point is that image of internal representation is associated or disassociated. An associated image is one, in which you experience as if you are really there. You see it through your own eyes, hear and feel it as you experience it while watching 3 D or more dimensional movie. A disassociated image is one you experience as if you are watching 2 D movie.
Now think to yourself what is the difference between the two experiences. In which one your feeling is more intense. In which you associate or disassociate. Your feelings are more intense when you associate with the image. By using a submodality distinction such as association versus dissociation, you can radically change your life experience.
Change your Internal Representation
As I above mention you can change your internal representation by changing the submodalities and physiology. You can change your submodalities of a bad experience by following the NLP technique.
Swish Pattern
The Swish Pattern is an NLP technique that is often used to help people overcome automatic habits that are difficult to give up. Smoking, nail-biting, overeating, and sudden emotional reactions are just a few of the swish-able problems.
Swishing or establishing a new self-image in place of the bad habit cue image is a way to train your mind to break away from the habit and towards becoming a more evolved person.
How to Practice?
The best practice to change your bad habit cue image into a new desired image is TV exercise. In which you see your bad experiences on TV from the distance. By doing this you do not associate with the experience and do not feel the pain again. Steps for practice:
Step 1: Close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting in a room on a chair. Feel the temperature of the room and the texture of the chair. Now imagine you have a glass wall in front of you and an LED TV on a table on the other side of the glass wall. Imagine that TV remote in your hand and turn on the TV.
Step 2: Now start watching the experience on that TV. See all the submodalities of visual, and listen to the submodalities of audio.
Step 3: Now start fading or destroying the cue image and mute the sound. Keep doing that practice until you completely destroy the image and mute the sound.
Step 4: Now add your desired submodalities with that. The image you want to see sounds what you want to listen to, and now associate the good feeling. Just swish the bad habit or experience into a good one.
This exercise is very simple. You don’t need to put many minds. All you have to do is change the submodalities. It’s important to remember that like any skill, it takes repetition and practice.
What are Subconscious Mind Programs?
We have behavioral patterns by which we do our daily activities or we behave in any situation. We know these behavioral patterns as our habits also. These behavioral patterns are nothing but our subconscious mind programs.
Saurabh Goel
Read also NLP, Subconscious Mind, How to Detox Your Mind?
Saurabh Goel
Saurabh Goel is the Founder and CEO of the Training and Counselling Company Brain Soul & You’. He is an NLP Wellness Coach, Life Coach, Brain analyst, and Trainer for Education, Corporate, and Entrepreneurship. For more than 5 years, he delivered presentations on entrepreneurship, mind programming, and motivation. He did his in IT and later choose to be a successful psychologist.