Lined Circle

Success in network marketing requires 8 basic building blocks:   Dreams, Commitment, Contacts, Prospecting, Plan, Follow-Up, Closing, and Duplication.  Embrace these for a fruitful journey!

Lined Circle

The first building block, you can say is the base of any system is a Dream. A dream gives you a reason to keep moving toward your destination.

2. Commitment

Lined Circle

The Second building block to being successful in network marketing is Commitment. You must be committed to your dreams. So that you never give up.

3. Name list

Lined Circle

The third Building block is the name list. As you are into the people business. You need to create a network.

4. Prospecting

Lined Circle

The fourth building block is prospecting. Prospecting means finding the gold. Now you need to filter your name list.

5. Plan

Lined Circle

The fifth building block is the plan. This is one of the most important building blocks because without showing plans you will not be able to build your network.

6. Follow Up

Lined Circle

The sixth building block is follow-up. After showing the plan you need to follow a prospect by calling him by asking what decision he has taken.  One thing to keep in your mind follow up in 48 hours.

7. Closing

Lined Circle

The seventh building block is closing. Your closing depends on your plan and follow-up. You first try to close the prospect on the table only.

8. Duplication

Lined Circle

Network marketing is the business of duplication. You duplicate your upline and your downline duplicates you.

8 Basic Building Blocks Summary

8 Basic Building Blocks Summary

Lined Circle

Success in network marketing hinges on mastering the 8 basic building blocks, from dreaming big to effective duplication for lasting growth.